CESAM is an Economic Interest Group. With roots back in the 16th Century, CESAM provides services to member companies and brings together French and foreign companies in the marine insurance business.

As a unique Technical Committee with a worldwide presence, CESAM’s mission is to facilitate and develop the economic activity of its members, marine insurers and their customers, ship-owners, carriers and exporters. To this end, CESAM provides technical services alongside administrative and financial services.

METCO Group is CESAM’s correspondent in New Zealand. For ease of communication, we will correspond and issue reports in French and / or English.

CESAM’s member companies rely on average agents and surveyors to intervene worldwide in claims, information gathering, risk analysis and prevention. For an on-board intervention to be carried out on goods in transit, pleasure, fishing and inland waterways transport, a Local Average Agent is usually appointed.

“Major casualty” usually refers to an event that can affect either the means of transport or its loading (or both). This may include a grounding, collision, fire/explosion, or sinking. These events may generate costs, general average procedures or assistance.

CESAM is heavily involved in advising and managing such cases. It may issue financial guarantees on behalf of its members, or monitor the establishment and management of assistance procedures or general average procedures.